Microwave vac­u­um dry­ing for sen­si­tive food

In con­ven­tion­al dehy­dra­tion, heat flows from the out­side to the inside. This clos­es the sur­face pores and keeps the evap­o­rat­ing mois­ture from escap­ing. Dry­ing time is extend­ed, usu­al­ly caus­ing mate­r­i­al dam­age and an altered appearance. 

In microwave dehy­dra­tion, heat is pri­mar­i­ly gen­er­at­ed with­in the mate­r­i­al. As a result, pores on the sur­face remain open and mois­ture evap­o­rates. The result extreme­ly rapid dry­ing, unblem­ished appear­ance, high nutri­ent con­tent and out­stand­ing flavor.

In con­ven­tion­al dehy­dra­tion, heat flows from the out­side to the inside. This clos­es the sur­face pores and keeps the evap­o­rat­ing mois­ture from escap­ing. Dry­ing time is extend­ed, usu­al­ly caus­ing mate­r­i­al dam­age and an altered appearance. 

In microwave dehy­dra­tion, heat is pri­mar­i­ly gen­er­at­ed with­in the mate­r­i­al. As a result, pores on the sur­face remain open and mois­ture evap­o­rates. The result extreme­ly rapid dry­ing, unblem­ished appear­ance, high nutri­ent con­tent and out­stand­ing flavor.
